What Does India’s Exit from RCEP Indicate?

By Biswajit Dhar | Commentary | December 7, 2020

On November 15, 2020, 15 East Asian countries agreed to take their economic integration several notches higher by forging the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the largest free trade agreement (FTA) ever. In 2019, RCEP members accounted for about 30 percent of world output and population and 28 percent of world trade. But about 44 percent of their total trade was intra-RCEP, which is a major incentive for the members of this agreement to agree to the deal, for this could contribute to the strengthening of the regional value chains. This may well prove propitious for the RCEP member countries in their efforts to…

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The PLI Scheme for Atmanirbhar Bharat: Is There a Break with Past Policies?

By Smitha Francis | Commentary | November 24, 2020

One of the integral components of the economic stimulus packages announced by the Indian government since April 2020 is the Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme meant to increase India’s self-reliance in key manufacturing sectors. To eligible companies, the scheme offers an incentive of 4% to 6% on their incremental sales of goods manufactured in India (over 2019-20), for a period of five years. The first tranche of the PLI scheme was announced on April 1 for mobile phones and certain electronic components, and on July 1 for pharmaceutical ingredients, key starting materials, and medical devices.

As part of the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ (self-reliant India) package and with the…

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It’s Time to Stop Corporations Profiting from COVID-19

CSOs | Video | October 19, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest health and economic crisis in a generation. Some governments are taking extraordinary measures to fight the pandemic, in order to save lives, protect jobs, and avoid economic disaster. But the little known Investor-State Dispute Settlement system, or ISDS, included in many trade deals, could pressure governments to roll back public-interest measures, or pay millions in compensation to corporations.

ISDS allows foreign companies to sue governments for measures that might impact their profits.

When a government adopts a policy that affects a foreign company’s profits, they can take that government to arbitration to cover their perceived financial loss. ISDS cases could…

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CSOs Demand Suspension of Intellectual Property Protection during COVID-19

By CSOs | Letter | October 15, 2020

More than 370 civil society organisations, including Madhyam, have urged the Members of the World Trade Organization to adopt the proposal titled, “Waiver from certain provisions of the TRIPS agreement for the prevention, containment and treatment of COVID-19” submitted by India and South Africa on October 2, 2020. The proposal allows member-countries to suspend certain intellectual property protection related to the prevention, containment, and treatment of COVID-19. The WTO’s TRIPS Council will meet on October 15-16 to discuss this proposal. Following is the full text of the statement issued by CSOs on October 15, 2020:

Dear Members of the World Trade Organization,

We the undersigned organisations…

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CSOs Call on IMF to Stop Promoting Austerity Policies

By CSOs | Statement | October 6, 2020

More than 500 civil society organisations and academics from 87 countries, including Madhyam, have issued a statement today calling on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to stop promoting austerity and instead support policies that advance gender justice, reduce inequality, and put people and planet first. The statement comes ahead of the IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings scheduled to take place from October 12-18, 2020.

Following is the full text of the statement issued on October 6, 2020:

We, the undersigned, call on the IMF to immediately stop promoting austerity around the world, and instead advocate policies that advance gender justice, reduce inequality, and decisively put…

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